Tuesday, October 2, 2007    7:00 P.M.




Committee Present: Jen Belesca, Bev Johnson, Ken Pelton, Carol White, Chair, and Jerry Wiles

Administration: Alton Hadley, Superintendent

Guest: Sam Birkett


1.             Call to Order

Carol White, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


2.             Flag Salute

White led the committee and those others present in the salute to the Flag.


3.      Approval of Agenda                                                    (A)

Wiles added a follow-up of his meeting with the staff to the Agenda.  Without objection, the Agenda was accepted by consensus.


4.      Approval of Minutes                                                    (A)

The Minutes were amended to reflect that Bobbie McCuskey had attended the meeting as a guest.      

Motion to accept the minutes of the meeting held on September 18, 2007 as amended.

Moved- Wiles, seconded- Johnson                     Approved                     5-0-0


5.      Correspondence                                                           (I)



6.      Public Comment

Sam Birkett expressed interest on serving on any curriculum committee that the Committee may establish.


7.      Reports                                                                      (I)(D)

·      School Board Chair

White reported that she and Althea Dugliss, Admin Secretary were going to be putting together a School Newsletter prior to the Open House.  She invited anyone to contribute to the Newsletter.


·      Superintendent/Principal/SPED Director

Hadley reported that the MEA results from last spring had been distributed to parents and that our school had met Annual Yearly Progress requirements even though the numbers are so small that the state has not yet made an official determination.


8.      Old Business                                                               (I)(D)(A)

a.             Continued discussion regarding after school transportation

White reported on her continued discussions with CTC regarding transportation issues and feels that the two groups are nearing consensus.


b.             Music Position

Hadley reported that Elizabeth McKenna has accepted the Committee¹s offer to have her teach Music at the Chebeague Island School for the 2007-2008 school year.


9.      New Business                                                              (I)(D)(A)

a.              Yarmouth School Discussion

White shared the letter that she prepared for the Yarmouth School Committee thanking them for their support and expressing interest in continuing collaboration in the future.  She will circulate the final draft for signatures next week.


b.             Policy A- Foundations and Basic Commitment

Following discussion about how to proceed with policy review, the Committee determined to take small pieces at each meeting.  The Committee identified three sections to review at the next Committee meeting on October16, 2007.


c.              Warrant #4

Hadley distributed Warrant # 4 for the Committee to review and sign for check distribution by the Town.


10.     Other Business

·      Belesca raised questions regarding laptop use by the students.  Hadley will research and bring info and suggestions to the Committee at a future meeting.

·      Johnson reported that she has established a new school web page on the site.  Comments indicated that it looked great.

·      Johnson asked if it would be possible to develop a workshop for our high school seniors and their parents regarding post secondary education options.  Hadley will contact ³FAME² and report back to the Committee.

·      White asked if any Committee member(s) might be interested in working on the Comprehensive Plan Committee.

·      Wiles reported that he had met with staff about celebrating Henry Wadsworth Longfellow¹s 200th birthday with a unit this year.  He described the possible curriculum items that were being considered for this fall.


11.     Adjourn

         The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 8:32 PM.